Robert Soliani, PA

Primary & Acute Care


Mr. Robert Krochalis Soliani, MPH/MSHS/PA-C is a nationally certified Physician Assistant (PA-C) with over 20 years experience in the full-scope of family practice including peds, OB, geriatrics, women's health & urgent/emergency care.\nA native of Upstate New York, he has lived in Washington DC, Virginia, North Carolina, Mexico, Ecuador, California & Italy. He now resides in the Hill Country of Texas with his family. \nA graduate of The George Washington University's PA/MPH program, he completed a family practice residency program in the year 2000 on Colorado's Western Slope. He is fluent in English and Spanish, and knows some Italian. \nMr. Soliani has been blessed to work alongside many fine mentors who profoundly influenced his own medical worldview-encouraging scrutiny in the search for the totality of evidence in providing the best available healthcare to his patients-while shunning the fear-mongering & attempts to shut-down inquiry.\nTo these ends, Mr. Soliani believes in employing the best of allopathic & holistic medicine in a complimentary fashion to promote overall wellness-with a focus on healing, & not simply a \"sick-care\" model. He believes that partnering with patients, earning their trust & working toward a whole-health approach that considers physical, mental & spiritual deficiencies, are keys to true \"wellness\". He enjoys living on his small ranch with his wife of 15 years and 4 children ranging in ages from 11 years to 9 months of age. Jointly they care for chickens & fix up an older home, while enjoying time learning new skills, being outdoors, playing together, hiking & exploring new places & traveling. \nHe is an ardent follower of Jesus, daily dives into HIs Word, and enjoys regular fellowship with a multi-generational, family-integrated church in Central Texas. \n-\"Is not My word like a fire?\" says the LORD,\n\"And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? (Jeremiah23:29)


Family Practice with OB, Peds, Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care