Patricia McCartney, ND

Wellness Advisor


Patricia (\"Patti\") McCartney is a Board-Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Animal Naturopathic Doctor, Master Herbalist, Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, Pet Homeopathic Educator, Certified Iridologist, Corporate Wellness Coach, Cognitive Behavior Therapist, Licensed Ecclesiastical Holistic Practitioner and Licensed Texas Attorney.\r\nAs a daughter of a French mother, who was raised Jewish, Dr. Patti comes from generations of women that embraced holistic health, and she is a lifelong lover of teas and natural remedies. Dr. Patti's pain to purpose journey began when she was in college and an Arsonist broke into her family's home. Dr. Patti was awakened by her dog, Kiki, but she received life-sculpting injuries while attempting to save her sister. The recovery and 40 plus surgeries that followed, provided her with a front row seat to the best and worst that conventional (allopathic) medicine offered. including exposure to MRSA, which led to the amputation of her left hand. Dr. Patti was able to go on to law school and complete her dream of becoming a lawyer. Left with a compromised immune system as a result of treatments she received for her injuries, Dr. Patti struggled with chronic health issues. Her quest for answers led to research on a more natural way to strengthen her immune system and a desire to know more. This journey resulted in multiple professional certifications and eventually, the completion of her Doctor of Naturopathy. Because of her passion for animals and to honor the dog that helped save her life, Dr. Patti also completed a separate Doctor of Animal Naturopathy to allow her to Paw-it-Forward.\r\nDr. Patti believes that her past experiences and her understanding of the potential side effects and complications of conventional medicine, have afforded her a unique platform to assist people and animals, for such a time as this.Dr. Patti enjoys spending her leisure time with her husband Scott, her dogs, Noble and Madeleine and sharing her love of all things herbal with her French mother.


Naturopathic Doctor, Animal Naturopathic Doctor, Master Herbalist, Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, Pet Homeopathic Educator, Certified Iridologist, Corporate Wellness Coach, Cognitive Behavior Therapist, Licensed Ecclesiastical Holistic Practitioner and Licensed Texas Attorney.

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