Laura Augendre, IHP

Nutrition & Lifestyle


I'm Laura, board certified holistic health coach who uses a root cause wholistic approach, balancing body and mind, to help you live a happy and healthy life. \r\nI specialize working with women, balancing female hormones, and getting a hold of digestive issues. As we age, although it's common to experience a number of inconvenience/issues, it is by no means \"normal\". No one should have to be dragging their foot through the day. I aim for every client to have constant energy and thrive no matter what phase phase of life one is in. \r\n\r\nDuring our meetings I get to know you, your health history, and goals. Through the process we work to find the root cause of any health imbalances or disturbances. Together we address deficiencies in order to restore essential vitamins and minerals the body needs for optimum function, while also removing toxicities to restore balance in the body.\r\n\r\nThe first 1-2 appointments with me are 1 hour long, and follow up appointments are 30 min. Having this times allows us to dive deep into your health history and goals to set up an achievable and successful plan.\r\n\r\nI live with my family in Northern Virginia however we are beach people at heart. I spent 10 years living in France, and while there, absorbed what it means to live life in the moment, enjoy simple pleasures, value eating whole foods, and surrounding oneself with elements and people who are good for the soul.


Fluent in French,,.

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