Jana Schmidt, ND

Wellness Advisor


Dr.Jana Schmidt ND, PhD CNHP, MH, Min \r\nWellness Director\r\n\r\nHello, I am Dr. Jana Schmidt. I am a Board Certified Naturopath who has been actively involved in natural health & private ministry for over 30yrs. After completing my Bachelors of Science & Masters work at UWF, I earned a Doctorate of Naturopathy from Trinity College of Natural Health & 2nd Doctorate in Naturopathic Ministries. I also received a Masters in Herbology & an Ordination as a Minister w/Global Alliance Network & Certified Natural Health Professional trained Iridologist, Bach Flower& MRT Clinician. \r\nSome of my designations include Fertility Specialist, Weight Balance, Women’s & Children's Wellness, Detox, Gerson Therapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Personal-Health-Fitness-Coaching, Natural Product Developer & Preparedness. \r\nWith recent health care challenges, I felt a need to speak out & share ways stay healthy. I have helped over 7,000+ people recover from COVID naturally. Praise God! I joined AFLDS August of 2020 & ReAwaken America Tour Fall of 2020 and Healing for the A.G.E.S. to further spread the Word of God and success of natural health approaches.\r\nI am married to my high school sweetheart & we have raised 3 amazing sons. We lived & traveled over the world while homeschooling our boys. Grounded in my Faith, I enjoy spending time with my family, outdoor activities, organic beekeeping & natural gardening. I am truly is dedicated to helping people achieve optimal health, through happy, productive, holistic avenues.


Fertility, Herbology, detox, environmental, Women and Children, cancer, trauma care and is an ordained minister.

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