Heather Smith, RD

Nutrition & Lifestyle


Heather Smith has been a registered dietitian for 25 years, and has a passion for reaching people with chronic kidney disease and teaching them how to make changes that will preserve kidney function and prevent the need for dialysis. She also enjoys helping people overcome other chronic health conditions and debilitating symptoms by transitioning from a standard American diet to a whole foods diet. She is a certified specialist in renal nutrition, a certified LEAP therapist, and a SHAPE ReClaimed certified practitioner. Heather enjoys developing relationships with her clients and working with them over a period of time for the best results.\r\n\r\nBefore 2020, Heather considered herself to be a conventional dietitian. But the moment she heard the word “lockdown,” she knew something was not right, and her eyes were quickly opened to the corruption of the medical industrial complex. The realization that the current healthcare system incentivizes illness and disincentivizes wellness was part of her awakening. Out of a desire to be truly well, she began taking her own health more seriously and started by changing her eating habits and embracing a whole foods diet. This has become a cornerstone of her philosophy as a dietitian.\r\n\r\nHeather and her husband have been married 30 years and have been blessed with 4 amazing young adult and teenage children. She enjoys studying nutrition, riding the Peloton, listening to podcasts, reading, walks with her husband, and time with friends and family. She is grateful that God chose to send His son into the world to reconcile us to himself, and she became His child in 1989; “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God.\" John 1:12


RD who specializes in chronic kidney disease, LEAP Therapy, and total health restoration.

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