Christopher Warden, DPT

Sports & Injury Advisors


With a diverse educational background and nearly 25 years of professional experience serving all walks off life on the local, national, and international stage, Dr. Christopher Warden has established himself as a highly knowledgeable and experienced “Physiocoach”. He holds a Bachelor's in Microbiology and Biomedical Science, a Master's in Applied Sports Psychology, and a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Known for his ability to connect the dots in the most puzzling of injuries and ailments, Christopher uses a combination of movement, touch, breath work, and mindset to empower his clients. He believes that awareness is the ultimate healer and sees his role as helping others to awaken and facilitate their own healing.\r\n\r\nTo his core, Christopher recognizes the divinity and sovereignty of every human being - each with the right to choose their path, and deserving to be fully informed, without worry about “mandated health” and gross disregard of the Hippocratic oath and the Nuremberg Code. He has long been at odds with the “business of medicine and big pharma” and the role of medical insurance in professional practice and patient care. The fallout from the outset of COVID deepened his resolve to make the current medical model obsolete, and he envisions GoldCare as an excellent opportunity to evolve healthcare for the betterment of his clients, his children, and his like-minded colleagues.\r\n\r\nWhen not championing his clients, Christopher enjoys lengthy dinners with friends, international travel, time with family, and training himself in order to better embody the values he imparts.


Physiocoach (Licensed Physical Therapist and Health/Performance Coach)

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