Bret Barker, NP

Primary & Acute Care


Dr. Barker holds a clinical Doctor of Nursing Practice and is licensed as a Family Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse. Dr. Barker holds five degrees in nursing, two associates, and bachelor’s with emphasis on public and home health, and a master’s degree as a nurse educator. Dr. Barker was the assistant director of Allied Health and a lecturer and clinical nursing instructor for ten years at Gavilan College in Gilroy, CA, and has trained over 200 registered nurses. Dr. Barker has been a member of America’s Frontline Doctors since July 2021 and has been an active contributor to the group freely sharing information and experience. Dr. Barker’s approach is pragmatic and educates at a real-world level using analogies people can understand which promotes buy-in versus mere compliance with care.


Family Practice